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  4. Biscuiterie Artisanale Salvatori

Salvatori Biscuit Factory in Ile Rousse - Canistrelli - Corsican Artis

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Biscuiterie Artisanale Salvatori
Published on 17/11/2023
Updated 3 months
Biscuit Factory Biscuiterie Artisanale Salvatori - Gastronomy - CorsicaChocolate chip TourtelliniBaked Canistrelli
CanistrelliCanistrelli Ile Rousse Salvatori BiscuitCanistrelliArtisanal biscuitsTourtelliniFig Canistrelli
Biscuiterie Artisanale Salvatori
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The Salvatori biscuit factory is located in Ile Rousse on the Place du Canon. In the shop of this traditional Corsican biscuit factory, you will discover canistrelli and tourtellini in different flavours, as well as olioses, small savoury biscuits for the aperitif. Corsican cakes available online here, or by mail order.

Artisanal biscuit factory in the heart of Île Rousse

Shop biscuiterie artisanale salvatori ile rousseCanistrelliBaked canistrelli
Preparing the doughCanistrelli chocolate chip pastry Biscuiterie Artisanale de CorseCanistrelliBaked canistrelliCorsican biscuitTourtelliniRue boutiqueShopCanistrelliBiscuitsSale by colissimoBiscuitsCanistrelli Salvatori Ile Rousse

The Salvatori biscuit factory is located on the Place du Canon in Ile Rousse in the Balagne region. To find your way around, take the street above the Ile Rousse market and go straight ahead, passing under an archway and continuing for about thirty metres. Open all year round, the biscuit factory is open 7 days a week, in summer from 9am to 7pm except in August when it closes at 7.30pm, and in winter from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 6.30pm all week except Sunday afternoons. In existence for over 50 years, the traditional biscuit factory was taken over in 2010 by a former restaurateur from the Paoline town.

100% traditional

Everything is produced before your very eyes in the workshop adjoining the shop. Customers are immersed at the heart of the work of these 3 craftsmen, who work together in summer. Receipt of raw materials, recipes, dough preparation, cutting, baking, packaging and bagging, everything takes place in this space with the tempting aroma of golden biscuits from the oven. Well-informed customers won't regret their visit to this shop, where good humour and savoir-vivre reign supreme in a friendly atmosphere.

A home-made production where everything is done by hand.

Quality raw materials

The success of a recipe depends above all on the quality of the ingredients, which is why the biscuit factory selects some of the best raw materials and establishes choice partnerships.

Biscuits and pastries

Canistrelli and Tourtellini

Salvatori biscuit factoryChocolate chip tourtelliniTourtellini Amaretti
Chestnut TourtelliniTourtellini LemonChocolate Chip TourtelliniVanilla Caramel TourtelliniSalvatori candied citron canistrelliCanistrelli ChestnutCanistrelli NatureCanistrelli Salvatori Candied orange canistrelliPraline canistrelliCanistrelli AlmondsGuérande salted butter toffee canistrelliOliose prisuttuOliose with olivesOliose prisuttu

The shop's star products are the traditional canistrelli and tourtellini. The former are white wine cakes, crisp and airy, while the latter are egg-based shortbreads that are softer. Their best-before date is 6 months.

Oliose for the aperitif

Another speciality is Oliose, a salted, sugar-free canistrelli served as an aperitif with a flavour of olives, prizuttu or Corsican cheese.

Biscuits and prices - Sending parcels

Caramel and Guérande salted butter - Almonds - Hazelnuts - Figs - Cinnamon - Lemon - Orange - Praline - Aniseed - Chocolate chips - Chestnuts - Candied citron - Walnuts - Crunchies4€
TourtelliniLemon - Vanilla caramel - Chocolate chips - Amaretti - Chestnut
OlioseOlives and white wine - Prisuttu - Corsican cheese

The artisan biscuit factory in Ile Rousse ships orders to mainland France and Corsica at the prices shown in the table. You can contact the shop by e-mail or telephone, or order directly online.

1 bag free for every 10 bags purchased

The artisan biscuit factory in Ile Rousse dispatches parcels several times a week all year round. It gives a few pointers worth knowing, such as the fact that a 5kg parcel can contain up to 15 sachets, so an order of 16 sachets will be disadvantageous given the postage costs. You can also place group orders.

For orders of 10 bags or more, the biscuit factory will give you an extra bag.

Where to buy

Ile-Rousse biscuits can be found in various grocery shops in the region and on the mainland, including Marseille, Toulon-Nice, Paris and Alsace-Lorraine.

Christmas Baskets

Christmas Basket - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, CorsicaChristmas Basket - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, CorsicaChristmas Basket - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, Corsica
Christmas Basket - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, CorsicaChristmas Basket - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, Corsica

As the holidays approach, enjoy Christmas baskets specially designed to delight others or treat yourself.

These are 9 compositions carefully curated to suit all tastes and different budgets, ranging from €25 to €48. They include high-quality products you already know well: Canistrelli and Tourtellini for a sweet touch, Olioses for savory aperitif biscuits, along with a selection of island products prepared by the Salvatori biscuit factory. These include Corsican mustard, liqueurs, island wines, jams, and flavored salt.

Baskets are available online only during the holiday season.

Second Shop on Pascal Paoli Street

Shop on Rue Pascal Paoli - Salvatori Artisan Biscuit Factory - Île Rousse, CorsicaSalvatori Shop Rue Pascal Paoli - Île Rousse, CorsicaSalvatori Shop Rue Pascal Paoli - Île Rousse, Corsica

A couple of alleys down Pascal Paoli Street, you'll find the second Salvatori biscuit shop, just 60 meters from Place du Canon.

Open only during the summer, this second shop produces the same biscuits, providing additional space for production and sales during the summer.

The team works in the kitchens of both shops, with the help of Jean-François's daughters.

The same products are available as in the shop at Place du Canon, along with a few local specialties such as honey and island wine.

Artisanal Corsican jam and flavoured salt

The Salvatori biscuit factory also offers Corsican babbò jam, or flavoured salt made by the biscuit factory, incorporating dried myrtle and nepita.

Corsican jams naturellement bioSalt flavoured with myrtle and nepitaSalt flavoured with myrtle and nepita

You'll also find pastries and a small showcase of regional products: croquant, tapenade, myrtle liqueur, olive oil, sparkling muscat, honey, citron and Corsican mustard.

Coffee and drinks service

If you're strolling through the narrow streets of Ile-Rousse, don't hesitate to take a seat on the terrace of the biscuit factory on Place du Canon, and ask for a coffee, inevitably accompanied by a canistrelli, all for just €1.50.

Fresh drinks are also available: Zilia, Orezza, Pietra, fruit juices, Orangina and Coke. Note that the biscuit factory does not have a credit card reader, but an ATM is available just 2 minutes away, on Place Paoli.

Address and Contacts : Biscuiterie Artisanale Salvatori

04 95 60 01 49
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Place du Canon, 20220 L'Isula
Summer: 7 days a week - Winter: From 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm throughout the week except Sunday afternoon
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