
Atraverre - Corsican Artisanal Glassware in Calvi

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Published on 05/10/2023
Updated 1 months
Glassware Atraverre - Craftsmanship - CorsicaAtraverre glassware calviGlass plate atraverre glassware pigna
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Price Range : 15,00€ 40,00€

Atraverre is a Corsican glassworks located in the Balagne region, near the citadel of Calvi. In her workshop, Virginie Torrelli - a glass artisan - creates hand-crafted glass jewellery, rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and objets d'art with sparkling reflections. The shop is on the right, 30 metres from the entrance to the Calvi Citadel.

Shop at the Calvi citadel

Verrerie Atraverre in CalviMirrorShop
WorkshopOvenPieces of glassPieces of glassFlateGlass interior objectsPietra bottlesWorkshopAtraverre - PignaShop à la Citadelle de CalviShop à la Citadelle de Calvi

In 2010, the Atraverre glassworks was created in the Balagne region, a veritable melting pot of talent. After studying in Martinique, Virginie Torrelli obtained a National Diploma in Art and Techniques from the Institut Régional d'Arts Visuels, and went on to work in graphic design before discovering glassmaking with a master glassmaker in Paris.

Open every day

The shop is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm. Opening times may vary according to the season. You can find them on the La verrerie website, under the heading " Points of sale" at the bottom of the page.

Fusion glassmaker

Virginie is a glass-melter who uses the fusing technique, which involves melting glass by assembling pieces in several layers to form a single piece. The outline of the glass is created by thermoforming using a mould that gives the glass its shape.

La Verrerie Atraverre shares the Calvi Citadel boutique with Marie Restitude from Bijoux By Bulles and Martine Sanchez from Seconde Vie Création, three craftswomen offering a greater diversity of choice in the heart of the Calvi Citadel.

Creation of the Ladies Open de Calvi 2023 trophy

Ladies Open Calvi 2023 Trophy

Virginie is regularly asked to design sports trophies, most recently for the Ladies Open de Calvi 2023 with Eaux de Zilia, and more recently for the Club Nautique de Calvi trophy.

The works play on a universe of reflections and colours, with lights that play on transparency.

Ladies Open Calvi 2023 TrophyLadies Open Calvi 2023 TrophyLadies Open Calvi 2023 Trophy

Handcrafted glass jewellery - Decoration - Art & Deco

Virginie creates glass sculptures, photo holders, lamps, vases and tableware, as well as handcrafted Corsican glass jewellery: rings, pendants, earrings and the eye of Saint Lucia, the symbol of which is inscribed in pen and gold. Each piece is unique, sometimes accompanied by a short note or quotation evoking tenderness, humour or reflection. From gleaming glass jewellery to shimmering lamps that warm the atmosphere of a room, it's a world of a thousand sparkles made up of a play of light and colour to be found in the Calvi boutique.

Mirrors, wall clocks, wall lights, lamps

MiroirHorloge muraleLampe artisanale en verre
Lampe luminaire - Cerrerie artisanale Atraverre - Calvi, CorseMiroirMiroirMiroir en verre - 2019MiroirMiroir

Plates, cake dishes, trivets

Assiette en verreAssiettes en verre bleues
Dessous de plat - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseDessous de plat poisson - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseAssiette - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseCorbeille - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseVide poche - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorsePlateau - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseVide poche - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorsePorte savon - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorsePorte savonDessous de verreAssiette en verre - Lady's open CorseArt de table - AssiettesPlatAssiettesDessous de plat

Jewellery: earrings, pendants, necklaces, rings

Bracelet oeil de Sainte LucieBijouxBracelet
Boucles d oreille - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBoucles d oreille - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBoucles d oreille - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBijoux collier boucles d oreilles - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseCollier - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBracelet - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBijouxCollier boucles d oreilleCollier boucles d oreilleCollier artisanalPendentif bleu artisanalBoucles d oreilleBraceletBraceletBraceletBijouxBijouxBijouxBaguesBoucles d oreilleBoucles d oreilleBoucles d oreilleBracelet

Art & Déco

DécoAssiette decoDéco poisson
Etoiles decoration - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBouteille verre aplatie - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBouteille verre aplatie pietra - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseBouteille verre aplatie pietra - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseMagnet verre - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseDeco poisson - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseDeco poisson - Verrerie Atraverre - Calvi, CorseDéco féeAssietteVaseAssiette dessous de platDéco - Sapin de NoëlAnimaux en verreAnimaux en verreDéco étoiles en verreAnimaux en verreDéco poissons en verreDéco en verreAnge verre en verrePlateau apéritifPlateau apéritifVache en verreChèvre verreCochon en verreHibou en verrePoisson en verre rougePoisson en verrePorte photo

Please note that due to transport conditions, flattened glass bottles are no longer available by colissimo, but remain available in shop.

Combining glass with wood and metal

The wire objects are a marriage between glass and metal, or the inclusion of a steel wire in the glass to add strength or functionality, as in the photo holders. Virginie also works with the village's cabinet-makers to assemble the glass with driftwood, creating ever more original and artistic creations, objects in bright colours that play with the light from the lamps.

JewelleryNecklaces - Pendants - Earrings - Bracelets - Brooches - Rings
Interior and decorationMirrors - Lamps - Lanterns - Wall lights - Lighting - Magnets - Soap dishes - Clocks - Sculptures - Paintings
KitchenPlates - Aperitif platters - trivets - salad bowls - fruit bowl - Aperitif platter with recycled Pietra bottle
UtilitiesVases - Containers - Mobiles - Chimes - Pockets

Step-by-step creations


The different types of glass used

Virginie uses lead-free powdered enamels, liquid gold, steel, aluminium and kanthal for 4 types of glass, the use of which depends on the object to be made:

Verre à vitres

Le verre à vitre comme son nom l'indique est utilisé pour les vitres, fenêtres, fenêtres à carreaux. On l'appelle aussi verre flotté, ou "float glass" en anglais.

Verre bouteille

Ce verre réalisé à partir de bouteilles de recyclage revêt un caractère écologique. Il offre également une grand panel de couleurs en fonction des bouteilles utilisées.

Verre artistique

C'est un verre spécialisé pour la technique du fusing, on le trouve également sous l'appellation de verre américain.

Verre dichroïque

Ce verre est spécialement lumineux, utile pour la réalisation de certains objets de décoration comme les lampes.

Ordering and mail order

The Atraverre glassworks offers the possibility of ordering online, via its website or by telephone. Orders can be for existing objects or special requests for shapes and colours, all of which Virginie can personalise to suit your requirements.

Each item is protected during shipping. We accept payment by cheque, bank transfer and credit card.

Back to Calvi after 6 years in Pigna

First based in Calvi from 2010 to 2017, Virginie Torrelli moved the Atraverre boutique to the narrow streets of Pigna in 2017, above the A Casarella restaurant. Her laboratory remains in Calvi for the creative work, which requires a lot of space, especially with the large bell furnaces used to melt the glass.


  • 2010: Move to Calvi, rue Sainte-Marie
  • 2017: Shop moves to Pigna
  • 2020: Creation of a new shop in the Calvi citadel in addition to the one in Pigna
  • 2023: Closure of the Pigna shop, leaving only the one at the Calvi citadel.

Promoting crafts in Corsica

The artist and glassmaker works in close collaboration with other Balagne artisans, combining their different skills. She is also involved in community work, and was formerly president of the Balagne craftsmen's association, a Strada di l'Artigiani, and is now vice-president.

Workshops for children aged 7 and over

Atraverre introduces children to the magic of glass through introductory workshops where they learn how to assemble glass and patterns. Virginie then collects each piece of work and heats it in the workshop before returning it to the children once finished.

Other photos

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Address and Contacts : Atraverre

06 86 61 98 40
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Citadelle de Calvi, 20260 Calvi
April to mid-October: 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
October to April by appointment
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