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  4. Emyde chinoise à cou rouge

Chinese Red-Necked Pond Turtle

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Emyde chinoise à cou rouge
Posted on 23/07/2023 | Updated 1 week ago
Tortues emyde chinoise a cou rouge parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corseTortues emyde chinoise a cou rouge parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corse
Emyde chinoise à cou rouge

Native to Asia

This Asian species can grow up to 30 cm for females and 20 cm for males. It has a very black shell and skin with a few thin, broken yellow lines on its neck. Its scientific name, "nigricans," means "blackening" due to the turtle's dark coloration. Juveniles have a bright orange plastron at birth, but as they age, it darkens and also becomes black. Surprisingly, despite its dark coloration, it has a remarkable ability to camouflage within its environment, making it difficult to detect by predators and observers.

It inhabits various aquatic environments: ponds, marshes, swamps, and streams. It shows a strong preference for calm, shallow waters where it hunts invertebrates, small fish, and aquatic vegetation. An interesting fact is that when it feels threatened, the keeled box turtle can emit a hissing sound, earning it the local nickname "hissing turtle."

This turtle has long been collected for the pet trade and human consumption, especially in Southeast Asia, where it is considered a delicacy. Additionally, some cultures attribute medicinal properties to it. As a result, it is now listed on the IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Efforts are currently underway to educate local populations on the importance of preserving this unique species.

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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