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European Pond Turtle

5/5 - 1 reviews
Tortue Cistude d'Europe
Posted on 23/07/2023 | Updated 3 months
Tortue cistude d europe parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corseTortue cistude d europe parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corse
Tortue Cistude d'Europe

The European Pond Turtle: An Endangered Aquatic Jewel

The European pond turtle, scientifically known as Emys orbicularis, is a small freshwater turtle native to the European continent. Characterized by its domed shell with patterns ranging from dark brown to olive green, this species is a true witness to Europe’s natural history.

Primarily found in wetlands, marshes, calm lakes, and rivers, the European pond turtle feeds mainly on aquatic invertebrates, small fish, and vegetation. Its piercing yellow irises make it easily distinguishable from other species.

A fascinating trait: during the winter, the European pond turtle hibernates by burying itself in the mud or under sediments in water bodies, resuming activity when the warmer weather returns.

But this beauty faces significant challenges. The European pond turtle is currently classified as a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List. Habitat destruction, water pollution, and human activities such as wetland drainage have made it increasingly rare.

In response to this concerning situation, conservation measures have been implemented in several European countries to protect and restore the habitats of the European pond turtle. Its fate is closely tied to the health of aquatic ecosystems, and its preservation is essential not only for biodiversity but also for the balance of our ecosystems.

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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