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Giant Swamp Turtle

5/5 - 1 reviews
Tortue Géante des Marais
Posted on 23/07/2023 | Updated 3 months
Tortues geante des marais parc a cupulatta vero corseTortues geante des marais parc a cupulatta vero corse
Tortue Géante des Marais

Tortoise Native to Asia

This tortoise inhabits freshwater bodies such as lakes and ponds in swampy forests. It lounges in the shallow waters near the banks, and when it emerges, it remains sheltered under vegetation. However, it can occasionally be seen basking in the sun in open areas.

Unlike other turtles known for their slow movement, the giant swamp turtle can move with notable speed both in water and on land. This ability gives it an advantage in escaping predators or catching its prey.

It is the largest species of the Heosemys genus, with a shell length reaching up to 48 cm in an adult male. This makes it sought after as an ornamental aquatic animal, and it is often found in Buddhist temples. This turtle is primarily herbivorous but will not refuse small invertebrates or fish. Buddhist monks believe that feeding these turtles or caring for them can bring merit and good fortune.

Unfortunately, it is intensively hunted for its meat, especially in Vietnam. It is now rare to observe adult specimens except in Thailand, where it is less hunted, although agricultural habitat destruction still poses a threat. Overexploitation of this species has prompted conservation efforts, including the creation of reserves and captive breeding programs to ensure its survival. The giant swamp turtle is protected by law in Thailand and Malaysia.

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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