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  4. Tortue graptemyde pseudogeographique du Nord

Northern False Map Turtle

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Tortue graptemyde pseudogeographique du Nord
Posted on 23/07/2023 | Updated 1 months
Tortue graptemyde pseudogeographique du nord parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corseTortue graptemyde pseudogeographique du nord parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corse
Tortue graptemyde pseudogeographique du Nord

This "sawback" turtle has a shell adorned with a row of low spines and a serrated edge. In this species, there is significant sexual dimorphism: females can grow up to 30 cm, while males do not exceed 15 cm!

The northern false map turtle lives in the large waterways of the Missouri River basin: this excellent swimmer prefers rivers and large streams with moderate currents, rich in aquatic vegetation and driftwood.

This species faces various threats: destruction of nests by predators or insects, entanglement in fishing nets, and being targeted by hunters. The individuals found in the wild in France are animals that have escaped or were deliberately released. However, unlike the "Florida Turtle," their presence is anecdotal and does not currently pose a risk of naturalization.

This subspecies is very similar morphologically to its geographic neighbor, G.p.khoni, which is showcased in the adjacent enclosure!

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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