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Seychelles Giant Tortoise

5/5 - 1 reviews
Tortue des Seychelles
Posted on 23/07/2023 | Updated 3 months
Tortues geantes des seychelles parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corseTortues geantes des seychelles parc zoologique a cupulatta vero corse
Tortue des Seychelles

Native to the Indian Ocean

Seychelles tortoises

They originate from Aldabra Island in the Indian Ocean, approximately 450 km north of Madagascar. This island, isolated from maritime routes, has been preserved due to its inaccessibility to sailors.

It is the only one in the Indian Ocean that has not disappeared. Unlike other tortoise species, Aldabra tortoises have never been exposed to terrestrial predators, which has allowed them to maintain their impressive size.

With a lifespan of up to two hundred years, some specimens can weigh as much as 300 kilograms. Additionally, they possess an incredible ability to adapt, enabling them to survive without water for long periods. They primarily feed on low vegetation but can also consume small animals.

They have played an essential role in the culture of the Seychelles people. For a long time, they were a valuable means of exchange and even served as currency in some regions.

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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