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  4. Tortue denticulée

Yellow-Footed Tortoise

5/5 - 1 reviews
Tortue denticulée
Posted on 16/10/2023 | Updated 3 months
Tortue denticulee parc a cupulatta vero corseTortue denticulee parc a cupulatta vero corse
Tortue denticulée

This tortoise, with bright yellow spots on its legs and head, has serrations all around its shell, giving it an almost prehistoric appearance. It is found in the humid tropical areas of South America (from southern Colombia to northern Venezuela). It is characterized by its very high legs and its “tiptoe” walking style, which allows it to move through marshy areas. This unique way of walking is also an adaptation to avoid predators by minimizing vibrations on the ground.

During mating, the male performs a peculiar movement, turning his head from left to right, as if still searching for the female! This singular dance is a spectacle in itself and remains a mystery for biologists.

This species contributes to the regeneration of tropical forests through its role as a seed disperser (zoochory). By consuming fallen fruits, the yellow-footed tortoise transports and excretes seeds further away, thus facilitating plant propagation. However, it falls victim to its large size and often ends up on the plates of certain forest ethnic groups. It is attributed medicinal properties, and surprisingly, some shells are used as bases for traditional drums in certain indigenous cultures. Habitat degradation, combined with hunting, is the main cause of the species’ decline, prompting environmental advocates to call for strengthened protection measures.

Click here to discover and visit the A Cupulatta tortoise park near Ajaccio.

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