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  3. Hameau de Caracu

Caracu - The Abandoned Hamlet of Meria

5/5 - 1 reviews
Hameau de Caracu
Posted on 20/06/2023
Updated 1 year ago
Ile de Capraia, Cap Corse - Meria - 16/09/2016Loghja village abandonné de Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016
Ruine village abandonné de Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Maison en ruine village abandonné de Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ancien four à pain au village abandonné Cap Corse - 16/09/2016Hameau Caracu à Meria, le 16/09/2016Hameau Caracu à Meria, le 16/09/2016Meule en pierre, village abandonné de Caracu Meria - 16/09/2016
Hameau de Caracu
2.5 km - 1h20 - Altitude : 136 à 193m - Elevation : 115m - Difficulty : 1/5
Randonnée en MontagneParcours FamilialAdapté aux chiensHameau de Caracu

Caracu: Village abandoned since 1925

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Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Caracu hamlet in Meria, 16/09/2016Caracu hamlet in Meria, 16/09/2016Stone wheel in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Ruined village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Abandoned village Caracu Meria - 16/09/2016Ruin in the abandoned village of Meria, Cap Corse - 16/09/2016Ruined house in the abandoned village of Caracu Meria - 16/09/2016Ruin at the abandoned hamlet of Caracu in Meria - 16/09/2016Ruin in the abandoned village of Meria, Cap Corse - 16/09/2016

One of those Corsican ghost villages that attract visitors, the abandoned village or hamlet of Caracu is made up of around twenty houses and an old chapel (Saint Sébastien), most of which are still standing, but whose dilapidated state makes access dangerous. While most of the roofs have fallen in, some of the walls are as high as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and threaten to topple to the ground at any moment. Caution is advised.

Caracu is located in the commune of Meria on the eastern slopes of Cap Corse. It is isolated in the scrubland, with a footpath as its only access.

The hiking trail

View of the islands of Capraia and Elba, Cap Corse Meria - 16/09/2016Hike to the abandoned village of Caracu Meria - 16/09/2016Elba Island in Cap Corse, Meria - 16/09/2016
Path to the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Sea View, Meria - 16/09/2016Path to the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Capraia island, view from Cap Corse to Meria - 16/09/2016Elba Island, Cap Corse, Meria - 16/09/2016Elba Island, Cap Corse, Meria - 16/09/2016Capraia Island, Cap Corse, Meria - 16/09/2016Path to the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016Path to the abandoned village of Caracu, Meria - 16/09/2016

The abandoned village of Caracu is located in the commune of Meria, on the eastern slopes of Cap Corse, an hour's drive from Bastia.

The path starts at the cemetery in the village of Meria, which you have to cross before entering a forest of cork oak, heather and arbutus. At the start of the path, there are some lovely views of the sea, with glimpses of the islands of Capraia and Elba.

The walk to the abandoned village of Caracu is pleasant and easy, with little change in altitude and a well-maintained path.

Former mining village

A municipality with just 100 inhabitants, Meria had 10 times that number in the 19th century, a time when there were many miners exploiting the region's antimony.

Antimony deposits

Along with the communes of Ersa and Luri, and in particular the Castello vein, the village of Meria was known for its deposits of antimony, a toxic mineral used in alloys with arsenic to harden heavy metals such as lead. Like asbestos on the western side of Cap Corse, the island's antimony mines helped make France the world's leading antimony producer at the end of the 19th century.

Antimony mining gave the region a boost for over sixty years, before the First World War put an end to it. The cessation of mining led to a decline in the population, as can be seen today in the former miners' villages, which have now become ruined hamlets.

Other abandoned hamlets in the region

The hamlet of Caracu is not an isolated case in this region of the Cape. Along with Caracu, other hamlets made up the municipality of Meria, including Pastina, Muracce and Murteta, which were destroyed by barbarian raids in the 17th century.

IGN map and altitude difference - Hameau de Caracu

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