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  2. Grand Ajaccio
  3. Sentier des douaniers à Ajaccio

Customs Path in Ajaccio

5/5 - 1 reviews
Sentier des douaniers à Ajaccio
Posted on 20/06/2023
Updated 1 year ago
Sentier Des Douaniers Sanguinaires Ajaccio Mer - 01/04/2012Sentier Des Douaniers Sanguinaires Ajaccio - 01/04/2012
Sentier Des Douaniers Sanguinaires Ajaccio Mer - 01/04/2012
Sentier des douaniers à Ajaccio
8.1 km - 2h10 - Altitude : 2 à 81m - Elevation : 200m - Difficulty : 1/5
Littoral marîtimeParcours FamilialAdapté aux chiensSentier des douaniers à Ajaccio

From the bloodthirsty islands to Capo di Feno

Customs officers' path, Sanguinaires, Ajaccio - 01/04/2012Red porphyry rock on the customs path in Ajaccio - 01/04/2012Customs officers' path, Sanguinaires, Ajaccio - 01/04/2012
Cote Ajaccio Sentier Des Douaniers Sanguinaires Ajaccio - 01/04/2012Customs officers' trail Ajaccio - 01/04/2012Mouette - 01/04/2012

The customs path starts at the Parata car park, Ajaccio's landmark with its Genoese tower.

The route begins above a small cove of black pebbles and heads north along the coast to the beach of Saint-Antoine at Capo di Feno - Capu di Fenu - offering beautiful views of the sea and the Sanguinaires islands, as well as the coastline of Ajaccio.

A curious climbing rock

After walking for around 15 minutes, you will come to a small geological curiosity on your right at the start of the hike. This red porphyry rock - with inlaid fixings for climbing - is a reminder of the island's volcanic origins, since it is cooled magma, which is found a great deal in western Corsica and is the source of the charm of the Calanques de Piana.

Course features

This walk has no technical or physical difficulties, apart from a little stamina, particularly for children. The path is flat with very little difference in altitude. The round trip takes just over 2 hours.

Water and head protection

This is a dirt trail that doesn't require any major equipment other than for the die-hard hiker. Proper walking shoes, a bottle of water and a cap or hat to protect you from the sun are recommended on terrain that is rarely shaded.

All in all, a beautiful and accessible walk to enjoy with family or friends.

Through the maquis

On this coastal path that cuts through the maquis, the flora and fauna are in their wild state. The scrubland is mainly composed of Montpellier cistus, but also heather and hairy calicotoma. More surprisingly, before reaching Capo di Feno, there are a few olive trees topped by the wind.

Stop off at the beach

As a reward for your efforts, and season permitting, you can cut straight down the small steps on your left and head down to Plage Saint-Antoine to enjoy a dip in the warm sand. So don't forget to bring your swimming costume and towel so you can relax in the water, but don't forget that you've still got half the way to go.

IGN map and altitude difference - Sentier des douaniers à Ajaccio

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