  1. Hiking
  2. Nebbiu
  3. Sentier des douaniers

Customs Trail in Saint-Florent

5/5 - 1 reviews
Sentier des douaniers
Posted on 20/06/2023
Updated 1 year ago
Mer Eau Turquoise Saint Florent - 09/05/2015Anse Fornali à Saint Florent, le 03/05/2015
Sentier des douaniers
7.7 km - 1h30 - Altitude : 0 à 16m - Elevation : 63m - Difficulty : 1/5
Littoral marîtimeParcours FamilialAdapté aux chiensSentier des douaniers

Coastal path through the Agriate desert

Mer Eau Turquoise Saint Florent - 09/05/2015Fiume Santu beach in Saint Florent, 09/05/2015Cote Saint Florent - 09/05/2015

The Chemin des douaniers in Saint-Florent is a section of the coastal path that starts at the Anse de Fornali and runs along the coast of the Agriate desert, crossing the beaches of Lotu, Saleccia and Ghignu in the commune of Santu Petru di Tenda, as far as the beach of Ostriconi in Balagne, marking the border with the Nebbiu region. The proposed section stops at the mouth of the fiume Santu river.

Swimming in creeks

In summer, it's a good idea to bring your swimming costume and towels, as the promenade is dotted with a number of coves overlooking turquoise waters speckled with the dark blue of the seaweed found in the shallows. Beware of jellyfish, which can sometimes wash up on the beaches as a result of sea currents.

The Agriate desert at dusk

Désert Agriate in Saint Florent, 02/10/2021Désert Agriate in Saint Florent, 02/10/2021Sentier des douaniers trail in Saint Florent, 03/05/2015

Easy walk

The route is perfectly passable and flat, presenting no difficulties. However, as there is no shade, it requires a lot of water and protection for the head and skin exposed to the sun throughout the expedition.

Bughju and Santu rivers

River Bughju at Saint Florent, 09/05/2015River Bughju at Saint Florent, 09/05/2015River Bughju at Saint Florent, 09/05/2015
Colline Cima di Castincaccia in Saint Florent, 09/05/2015Colline Cima di Castincaccia in Saint Florent, 09/05/2015

During the walk, you'll cross two rivers that flow into the Tyrrhenian Sea at the foot of the Cima di Castincaccia, starting with the Bughju, which flows under the sand, and then the Fiume Santu, which requires a compulsory water passage to cross this protected site. The Mortella tower stands out from this mouth.

As the route stretches along the entire Agriate coastline, it can be extended as far as the Lotu or Saleccia beach, depending on the walker's preference. For more leisurely family walks, however, it should be segmented according to general fitness.

Departure from Fornali after the Roya

Access to the car park by car

To get to the starting point of the walk, you need to go along the Roya beach, which ends with a bend to the left, then turn right 100 metres further on. From this point, allow around 2km to reach the parking area, where you will change from a tarmac road to a dirt track that can be a little rough. Follow the road as far as a 45° bend on the left, then don't take the first hairpin bend on the right, but the one that follows 400 metres further on, still on your right.

A slightly sloping area of land in the middle of the scrubland serves as a car park. During the summer months, some holidaymakers prefer to park their cars at the start of the track and continue on foot, due to lack of space or fear of damaging their vehicles.

The Fornali cove, the starting point for the hike, is 100 metres below the car park.

IGN map and altitude difference - Sentier des douaniers

Cartes générées par VisoRando.com

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