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  3. Bergerie de Pian'di Selva

Shepherd's Huts of Pian'di Selva in Arghjusta Muricciu

5/5 - 1 reviews
Bergerie de Pian'di Selva
Posted on 20/06/2023
Updated 1 year ago
Ruisseau Ciambaldu à Argiusta Moriccio, le 06/07/2021Sentier Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021
Brebis Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Lait Brebis Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Fromage Brebis Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Rocher Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Coucher de Soleil Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021
Bergerie de Pian'di Selva
9.31 km - 4h30 - Altitude : 482 à 1147m - Elevation : 664m - Difficulty : 3/5
Randonnée en MontagneSite ForestierAdapté aux chiensBergerie de Pian'di Selva

Restoration of the Pian'di Selva sheepfolds on the Arghjusta hills

Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021
Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021

In response to an urgent need from the shepherds at the Sartène school, who were looking for mountain pastures for their flock of ewes, and in line with the desire of the municipality of Arghjusta Muricciu and its mayor Paul-Joseph Caïtucoli to revitalise the village's agro-pastoral life, the feat of building a sheepfold with its laboratory, living quarters and milking area in an area inaccessible by car, all equipped with electricity and running water, was achieved in just 3 months.

To do this and enable the young shepherds to spend several months on their own in the mountains with their animals, we had to :

  • Helicoptering a prefabricated cheese-making laboratory
  • Building a wooden home to provide a minimum of comfort.
  • The milking area has also been made of wood to enable the ewes' milk to be collected daily.
  • As for the water, it is collected from a spring below and pumped up by a solar-powered pump, a technique that comes straight from the Basque country and which inspired the Mayor.
  • Electricity is supplied by generators.
  • Gas cylinders are used to heat water and milk.

An intrepid but confident initiative, which earned a report from France 3 Corse Via Stella in early July and an article in Corse Matin in mid-June.

Solar lift pump

For around forty minutes, you will cross the Ciambaldu and Ostia streams through a mountain that is sometimes clear and at other times denser with vegetation and ferns. Before reaching the sheepfolds, don't miss the spring catchment with its solar panel, which enables the water pump to pump the water up to a reservoir above the sheepfold. The water is treated and ready to drink, so you are totally self-sufficient and dependent solely on the sun. A drain allows you to refill your bottles.

La Bergerie

Traite Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Collecte Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021
Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Milk collection Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021

Antoine Lanfranchi and his colleague Marie-Blanche Santoni, young shepherds and farm managers, accompanied by Gaëtan and Nell, two BTS students at the Sartène agricultural school, grazed their 120 or so ewes on the site of the old sheepfolds in Pian'di Selva, which are currently being restored.

Cheese making

Every day, milking is carried out mechanically to collect the precious milk, which is then transported to the laboratory where it goes straight into the cheese-making process.


Fabrication Brocciu Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021
Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Bergeries Pian di Selva in Argiusta Moriccio, 01/01/1970Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fabrication Tomme Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fabrication Tomme Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Fabrication Fromage Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Brocciu Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021Lait Argiusta Moriccio ewe - 06/07/2021

Two possible departures for Arghjusta Muricciu

The walk starts by going up the road above the town hall, and you'll need to bring water, a head covering and good walking shoes.

Mount Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Mountain Hiking at Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Ruisseau Ciambaldu at Argiusta Moriccio, 06/07/2021
Mount Punta di a Quarceta in Argiusta Moriccio, 06/07/2021Montagne - 06/07/2021Montagne - 06/07/2021Mountain Hiking at Bergerie Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Ruisseau Ciambaldu, 06/07/2021Montagne - 06/07/2021Ruisseau Fontaine de l Ostia in Argiusta Moriccio, 06/07/2021Path - 06/07/2021Path - 06/07/2021Path - 06/07/2021Path - 06/07/2021Path - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio fern - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio fern - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio thistle - 06/07/2021A Nunca - 06/07/2021

More information at the Town Hall

For more information, don't hesitate to contact the town hall directly, who will be delighted to tell you all about this path, which he has taken many times before, supplying the shepherds with food as he goes, sometimes spending the night there before coming back down.

The sunset from the sheepfolds

Overlooking the whole valley and the sea, you can admire the sunset from the sheepfolds, which plunges the granite rocks into orange tones of rare beauty.

Rocks that sometimes form small caves with arches that recall the volcanic origins of granite.

Rocher Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Argiusta Moriccio cave - 06/07/2021Grotto Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021
Sunset Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Coucher de Soleil Sur la Mount Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Coucher de Soleil Sur la Mount Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021
Sunset Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021Sunset Argiusta Moriccio - 06/07/2021

IGN map and altitude difference - Bergerie de Pian'di Selva

Cartes générées par VisoRando.com